Om-Shanti: Studie en Academie Materiaal
Boekbespreking Language
The Cambridge Introduction to Sanskrit
Cambridge University Press 2017
A.M. Ruppel
Why would anyone want to study Sanskrit, an ancient complex tongue? What’s the best way to go about doing so? Sanskrit is the highly sophisticated language of ancient India which remained in vogue for Millennia as a medium of philosophy, ritual, poetry - indeed every facet of Indian culture. Above and beyond Indian culture, it affords deep insight into the grammatical structures of language. Join us as we talk to the author about her Sanskrit textbook, The Cambridge Introduction to Sanskrit, a much-needed accessible, comprehensive tool for learning this ancient tongue, complete with online handouts, flash cards, and videos. We delve into the unique attributes of the Sanskrit language - for example, 3 numbers, 3 genders, special case endings, sophisticated rules for combinations of sounds (elision) - and the extent to which knowledge of the Hindu “language of the gods” grants us access to millennia of human enterprise that is simultaneously foreign and familiar to our own.
Raj Balkaran: Audio - Podcast 013: klik hier
Cambridge Introduction to Sanskrit
Cambridge University Press 2017
A.M. Ruppel
This interview is about Sanskrit Studies. Ideal for courses in beginning Sanskrit or self-study, this textbook employs modern, tried-and-tested pedagogical methods and tools, but requires no prior knowledge of ancient languages or linguistics. Devanāgarī script is introduced over several chapters and used in parallel with transliteration for several chapters more, allowing students to progress in learning Sanskrit itself while still mastering the script. Students are exposed to annotated original texts in addition to practise sentences very early on, and structures and systems underlying the wealth of forms are clearly explained to facilitate memorisation. All grammar is covered in detail, with chapters dedicated to compounding and nominal derivation, and sections explaining relevant historical phenomena.
Raj Balkaran: Audio - Podcast 043: klik hier
Yogavataranam: The Translation of Yoga
A New Approach to Sanskrit, Integrating Traditional and Academic
Methods and Based Classic Yoga Texts, North Point Press 2015
Zoё Slatoff
The traditional Indian method of learning Sanskrit is through oral transmission, by first memorizing texts and then learning their meaning. The Western academic approach methodically teaches the alphabet, declensions, grammar, syntax, and vocabulary building. This book integrates the traditional and academic approaches for a full and practical experience of Sanskrit study. The book approaches language systematically and at the same time allows students to read important and relevant texts as soon as possible, while emphasizing proper pronunciation through its audio accompaniment. This new approach joins theory and practice to invoke an active experience of the philosophy, the practice, and the culture that together inform the multiplicity of meanings contained within the single and powerful word “yoga.”
Raj Balkaran: Audio - Podcast 128: klik hier
An Introductory Sanskrit Reader
Improving Reading
Fluency, Brill 2021
Antonia M. Ruppel
This book aims to help students start reading original Sanskrit literature. When we study ancient languages, there often is quite a gap between introductory, grammar-based classes and independent reading of original texts. This Reader bridges that gap by offering complete grammar and vocabulary notes for 40 entertaining, thought-provoking or simply beautiful passages from Sanskrit narrative and epic, as well as over 130 subhāsitas (epigrams). These readings are complemented by review sections on syntax, word formation and compounding, a 900-word study vocabulary, complete transliterations and literal translations of all readings, as well as supplementary online resources. The Reader can be used for self-study and in a classroom, both to accompany introductory Sanskrit courses and to succeed them.
Raj Balkaran: Audio - Podcast 155: klik hier
Sanskrit Tools on the Web
A Discussion with Martin Gluckman
(Part 1), New Books Network 2021
Martin Gluckman
This interview features amazing open-access digital Sanskrit projects spearheaded by Martin Gluckman, Researcher at University of Capetown and Director at Sanskrit Research Institute. We discuss Martin’s Sanskrit and computer science backgrounds as well as the on-line Sanskrit dictionary.
Raj Balkaran: Audio - Podcast 159: klik hier
Sanskrit Tools on the Web
A Discussion with Martin Gluckman
(Part 2), New Books Network 2021
Martin Gluckman
This interview continues the conversation with Martin Gluckman, Researcher at University of Capetown and Director at Sanskrit Research Institute. We discuss his Panini Research Tool, Sanskrit Writer, Text to Speech Sanskrit Tool and research into the Indus Valley Script.
Raj Balkaran: Audio - Podcast 162: klik hier
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