Om-Shanti: Studie en Academie Materiaal
Soul & Consciousness
Om-Shanti: - Studie en Academie Materiaal
The Methaphysical view of
Death and Life after Death
Humanity throughout the ages have seen death as something loathsome and gruesome; something dreadful, something preferable to avoid at all cost--that is, if a choice were given--but without any other option, are forced to succumb for lack of any power over its occurrence.
Anticipating the termination of life at an unexpected moment and the possible prospect of annihilation of self-identity, humanity views death as a state or condition to be feared.
This fear is sustained when all around, most of the dying are seen to seemingly suffer in anguish and in agony in the death process. The fear of death is actually man's fear of the unknown, and it indicates man's bondage to his ignorance which ultimately grows into superstitious expressions.
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Om-Shanti: - Studie en Academie Materiaal
The Soul and the Human Revolution in Bernard Wolfe’s Limbo
Ivan Garcia
Thesis Advisor: Professor Oliver Berghof
Thesis Committee:
Professor Oliver Berghof
Professor Yuan Yuan
Professor Mark Wallace
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in
Literature and Writing Studies
Albert Einstein once said, “technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal.” Bernard Wolfe’s 1952 dystopian, science-fiction text Limbo explores such a theory as the benefits and potential pitfalls of mankind’s rush toward the merging of man with the machine is defined. Wolfe’s cult-classic has been cited in David Pringle’s Science.
Fiction: The 100 Best Novels and David Samuelson has placed it on equal ranks with Huxley’s Brave New World and Orwell’s 1984 as one of the best science fiction works of the twentieth century, one that draws upon the cultural observations of Freud and the mathe-matical works Norbert Wiener.
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Om-Shanti: - Studie en Academie Materiaal
The Soul and Quantum Physics
An interview with Dr. Fred Alan Wolf.
Dr. Fred Alan Wolf earned a Ph.D. in theoretical physics from UCLA. He continues to write, lecture throughout the world, and conduct research on the relationship of quantum physics to consciousness. He is the National Book Award Winning author of Taking the Quantum Leap and many other books including The Spiritual Universe. He is a member of the Martin Luther King,
Jr. Collegium of Scholars. Dr. Wolf has taught at the University of London, the University of Paris, the Hahn-Meitner Institute for Nuclear Physics in Berlin, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and San Diego State University in the United States. His latest book is entitled Mind into Matter.
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Om-Shanti: - Studie en Academie Materiaal
Levels of Consciousness
Every living and non-living being is a mere contemplation of God. This musing is caused by illusion. This illusion prevents you to realize the God either within you or within others. That is why illusion is called as veil that obliterates the true form of God to be realized. When we say God is omnipresent, naturally He has to be present within all the species. Let us understand this in an encyclopedic way. The one that differentiates a man from other living beings is mind, consciousness, intellect and ego.
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Om-Shanti: - Studie en Academie Materiaal
“The Vedic Texts ‘Ekam cradwithiyam Brahma,’ ‘Ekam Eva Rudra Nadwitiyya thas
teh’ mean that there is only One Supreme Being without a second. And this One is the Pathi
and not the soul. You, who say ignorantly you are One with the Lord, are the soul and are
bound up with Pasa. As we say without the (primary sound) ‘A’ all other letters will not sound,
so the Vedas say, without the Lord no other things will exist.” Sivagnanabotham (ii.1,b).
“O for the day when I will be in advaita union with the unchangeable One
as I am now in union with Anava (Pasa)”!
Says Count Tolstoy, “Religion is a certain relation established by man between his separate personality, and the endless universe, or its source; morality is the personal guiding of life which flows from this relation.” And as we have explained in our previous article, even knowledge of a thing means knowledge of its difference and similarity with other things, its relation to things which are dissimilar, and to things which are similar and from the knowledge of such relation, our further acts are determined.
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Om-Shanti: - Studie en Academie Materiaal
Yearning of the Soul
Per H. Wibe
"Words are not able to express Truth. Beyond one explanation and description
We find a new level of Silence and Truth.
This is Kriya – that which takes us to an Infinite level of Life."
To the reader
I hope the texts in this little book can be an inspiration to everybody that search for peace and harmony in life. The texts are based on my own experiences. As I see it, no theory, believes, rituals or words of others can take us to the level of the Self, of Silence. Only through pure meditation and by the grace of the Self is the Self known.
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Om-Shanti: - Studie en Academie Materiaal
Continuity of Consciousness
What does modern science know of the duration of the ages of the World, or even of the length of geological periods?
Nothing; absolutely nothing.... Indeed, in the Cimmerian darkness of the prehistoric ages, the explorers are lost in a labyrinth, whose great corridors are doorless, allowing no visible exit into the Archaic past. Lost in the maze of their own conflicting speculations, rejecting, as they have always done, the evidence of Eastern tradition, without any clue, or one single certain milestone to guide them, what can geologists or anthropologists do but pick up the slender thread of Ariadne.... They are 'prehistoric' to the naked eye of matter only. To the spiritual eagle eye of the seer and the prophet of every race, Ariadne 's thread stretches beyond that 'historic periods without break or flaw, surely and steadily, into the very night of time; and the baud which holds it is too mighty to drop it, or even let it break.
The Secret Doctrine, ii 66-67
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Om-Shanti: - Studie en Academie Materiaal
Yogic Understanding of the Mind
He who knows the receptacle (ayatana) verily becomes the receptacle of his people. Mind is verily the receptacle (of all our knowledge) - Chhandogya Upanishad
Happiness has always been the prime aim of every human being. All your activities are directed towards acquiring maximum happiness in life. However, through the deluded notion that objects will provide happiness, you search for it outside. The result is that in spite of lifelong effort, there is disappointment.
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Om-Shanti: - Studie en Academie Materiaal
The Seven Stages of Consciousness
There are 7 subjective and 7 objective stages of consciousness which are the basis of the foundation of universal creation. It is these two which are structures of the laws of the universes, the cause and the effect. The subjective is the cause which occupies the lower energies or denser vibrations where the lower energies construct themselves into matter what we see as the five senses on earth, and the higher energies are the subtle energies you find in the ethereal realms of consciousness where creation takes place in their ethereal form. The number 7 is a universal number of spiritual values as it represents the symbolic symbol of the 7 of spiritual values as it represents the symbolic symbol of the 7 principles of nature including those of mankind.
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Om-Shanti: - Studie en Academie Materiaal
The Self and its Realization
By Jean Massengo, FRC – Conclave in the Congo - RC Digest Volume 4-2002
COUNTLESS WORDS have been used to describe the duality of humans both as physical beings and as spiritual beings. Many schools of thought claim that, in addition to the visible physical body, each person possesses one or more invisible bodies bearing specific names. Likewise, human consciousness is subject to a division into two fields or modes of expression called the outer self and the inner self. Thus, in addition to the objective consciousness or outer self, each person has a more profound awareness of the divine and immortal nature to which many names are attributed: Christ Consciousness, Spiritual Self, Divine Self, or more generally Inner Master. This spiritual or subliminal consciousness is distinct in its essential nature and is separate from but associated with another form of consciousness called the outer self, which is profane or mortal. In such a dualistic conception, fraught with so many antagonistic relationships in the method of expressing consciousness in each of us, the underlying concept is that spiritual study and practice can awaken the inner self so that it may direct the outer self through its divine power.
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Om-Shanti: - Studie en Academie Materiaal
The Survival of the Soul
There is no death, only a change of worlds…
- Native American Chief -
For life is eternal and love is immortal
and death is only an horizon,
and an horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.
- Anonymous -
No book on the soul can be complete without a consideration of death and what happens to us when we die. It is truly astonishing that after millennia of human life on this planet and all the vast amount of knowledge that is now available to us, we still know virtually nothing about the most mysterious, challenging and awesome experiences of our lives — our birth and our death. From what other dimension of reality or ‘place’ in the universe do we come at our birth? And to what other dimension or place do we go when we die? Even more extraordinary is the fact that science, until very recently, has ignored the existence of the huge amount of material gathered over the past hundred or so years by institutions devoted to recording nonordinary experiences: near-death, after-death and out-of-the-body experiences (NDE, ADE and OBE’s), as well as communications to the living from the “dead”. Nor has it accepted as worthy of scientific attention the shamanic experiences of visionaries and mystics of all cultures and times that have testified to the existence of other dimensions of reality and the possibility of a direct relationship with them.
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Om-Shanti: - Studie en Academie Materiaal
Seven Ways to Nourish the Soul
By Beverley Champion
What is the soul? We all feel we have one, but because we cannot see it, the concept seems a bit vague. We can still explore ways to learn more about the soul’s needs and how to provide for those needs in our everyday lives. At the soul level we are fully alive, we aspire to understand our divine potential, and the experiences of our lives are sifted. But in this twenty-first century are we so bogged down with "achieving" that we are missing all the magic around us? Are we actually enjoying this incarnation?
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Om-Shanti: - Studie en Academie Materiaal
Consciousness is an inclusive term for a number of central aspects of our personal existence. It is the arena of selfknowledge, the ground of our individual perspective, the realm of our private thoughts and emotions. It could be argued that these aspects of mental life are more direct and immediate than any perception of the physical world; indeed, according to Descartes, the fact of our own thinking is the only empirical thing we know with mathematical certainty. Nevertheless, the study of consciousness within science has proven both challenging and controversial, so much so that some have doubted the appropriateness of addressing it within the tradition of scientific psychology.
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Om-Shanti: - Studie en Academie Materiaal
The Problem of Unconsciousness
Author: Peter M.K. Chan
Is a human being really the composite of a body and a soul? The author believes that it is not so. If you wonder why, this article is for you. Alternative, if you think that the author could not possibly be right, and would like to find out where he has gone wrong, this article is also for you.
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Om-Shanti: - Studie en Academie Materiaal
Meditation for Soul Communion
These Lessons are designed to be used over a 13 week period to introduce you to a process commonly called meditation and to an understanding how the practice of meditation allows you to receive clearer inner guidance in all your life's activities.
These Lessons do not follow any specific meditation discipline or any specific spiritual philosophy. You must be true to yourself and decide for yourself how meditation integrates with your daily activity, family life, and spiritual philosophy.
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